chiropractic and kids

As chiropractors that sees patients of all ages, we hear this particular question very often: “Can kids get adjusted too?” Our answer? Of course! we actually recommend children to be adjusted as soon as they are born.

The reason? Birth is hard. Sometimes their little necks get twisted as they are born, especially during a c-section when they have to be pulled out.  Not only the trauma of birth but also our environment and all the toxins we are surrounded with daily. A chiropractic adjustment is a safe, gentle way to enhance your Childs nervous system to give them the best foundation to grow and learn!

There are so many ways chiropractic can be beneficial for children. Some of the things we have treated are things you might not have thought a chiropractor can help with: constipation, upset stomach, developmental delays, and ear infections. For a newborn’s case, chiropractors are able to help the little ones by treating them with an adjustment if they experience: colic, not latching properly while nursing or bottle, spitting up, and/or wanting to keep their head to one side. We can also evaluate how they are nursing and check for tongue, lip, and buccal ties.

Chiropractic is extremely safe for children and babies; it’s a great first stop for any ailments your child may be experiencing. A typical first visit for a baby or child would consist of some paperwork, a brief examination of the child (we make it fun, and it goes by fast), questions for the mom/dad/child, and then an adjustment. The adjustment is very light force, we use an activator when adjusting one year olds and up, for newborns just very light pressure with the finger tips. Kids love getting adjusted! They feel great afterwards and enjoy all the fun stuff they can do at the office. We have a coloring station, stickers, toys, child size activators to practice on a teddy, and possibly the most favorite- pushing the buttons on the adjusting table.

Our recommendations on how to find a chiropractor that works with kiddos: Ask other parents! So many people are taking their children to a chiropractor, you will find a friend, relative, or on one of your facebook groups that can give you a great local referral.

At your fist appointment make sure you like the doctor, you are on the same page with treatment plans, and your child feels comfortable at the office. – this website lists doctors who have attended pediatric and pregnancy seminars. This website also has lots of great articles and research on chiropractic and children.


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